API Reference


Moves the candidate to another stage. Required scope: w_candidates. Accessible with all token types.

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Hiring plan

When an account has hiring plan enabled, in order to move a candidate to a stage of kind hired a requisition has to be filled. In order to use this endpoint when moving candidates to the hired stage, there are 2 options:

  • If the candidate has a reserved requisition on them, you can use the fill_reserved_requisition parameter to fill that requisition.
  • If you want to use a different requisition (of state Opened, On hold, Approved), you can specify the requisition code, start date and the salary information, as specified in the docs below.

A complete request would be:

{ "member_id": "13e0eb0e", "target_stage": "applied" }

With hiring plan enabled, and when moving to the hired stage a candidate with a reserved requisition with all the data filled in (start date and salary information), the request would be:

{ "member_id": "13e0eb0e", "target_stage": "hired", "fill_reserved_requisition": true }

With hiring plan enabled, and when moving to the hired stage a candidate with a reserved requisition with some the data filled in (start date) and some missing (salary information), the request would be:

{ "member_id": "13e0eb0e", "target_stage": "hired", "fill_reserved_requisition": true, "requisition": { "salary": { "amount": 12345, "frequency": "year", "currency_iso": "EUR" } } }

With hiring plan enabled, and when moving to the hired stage a candidate with and want to associate them with a requisition, the request would be:

{ "member_id": "13e0eb0e", "target_stage": "hired", "requisition": { "code": "REQ-1234", "start_date": "2024-01-01", "salary": { "amount": 12345, "frequency": "year", "currency_iso": "EUR" } } }
Path Params

The candidate's id

Body Params

The member perfoming the move


The stage the candidate should be moved to

Defaults to false

When the candidate has a reserved requisition, set this to true to use that requisition. If the requisition has already a start date and the salary information (amount, frequency and currency) you don't need any additional parameters. If there is missing information, you can use the requisition key to provide it.


In case the candidate doesn't have a reserved requisition, you can select an open, approved or on-hold requisition. You can use this object to specify which requisition to fill, and set some of its properties. You can also use this key to provide missing information from the reserved requisition.


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