API Reference


Moves the candidate to another stage. Required scope: w_candidates. Accessible with all token types.


Hiring plan

When an account has hiring plan enabled, in order to move a candidate to a stage of kind hired a requisition has to be filled. In order to use this endpoint when moving candidates to the hired stage, there are 2 options:

  • If the candidate has a reserved requisition on them, you can use the fill_reserved_requisition parameter to fill that requisition.
  • If you want to use a different requisition (of state Opened, On hold, Approved), you can specify the requisition code, start date and the salary information, as specified in the docs below.

A complete request would be:

  "member_id": "13e0eb0e",  
  "target_stage": "applied" 

With hiring plan enabled, and when moving to the hired stage a candidate with a reserved requisition with all the data filled in (start date and salary information), the request would be:

  "member_id": "13e0eb0e",  
  "target_stage": "hired",
  "fill_reserved_requisition": true

With hiring plan enabled, and when moving to the hired stage a candidate with a reserved requisition with some the data filled in (start date) and some missing (salary information), the request would be:

  "member_id": "13e0eb0e",  
  "target_stage": "hired",
  "fill_reserved_requisition": true,
  "requisition": {
    "salary": {
      "amount": 12345,
      "frequency": "year",
      "currency_iso": "EUR"

With hiring plan enabled, and when moving to the hired stage a candidate with and want to associate them with a requisition, the request would be:

  "member_id": "13e0eb0e",  
  "target_stage": "hired",
  "requisition": {
    "code": "REQ-1234",
    "start_date": "2024-01-01",
    "salary": {
      "amount": 12345,
      "frequency": "year",
      "currency_iso": "EUR"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!