API Reference


Returns a collection of your account employee_fields. Required scope: r_account.

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This particular endpoint utilizes ther_account scope, which can be enabled through the Integrations section found within the Settings menu.


Calling the /employee_fields endpoint will return a collection of the defined employee_fields for the account. An example result with all available options follows:

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"hint": null, "type": "file", "position": 2 } ], "keep_history": true, "is_multiple": false }, { "id": "social_insurance_number_group", "label": "Social insurance number", "hint": null, "type": "composite", "editable_by": "employee", "approvable_by": "admin", "viewable_by": "employee", "subfields": [ { "id": "social_insurance_number_number", "label": "Number", "hint": null, "type": "text", "position": 0 }, { "id": "social_insurance_number_issue_date", "label": "Issue date", "hint": null, "type": "date", "position": 1, "date_format": "fullDate" }, { "id": "social_insurance_number_insurance_carrier", "label": "Insurance carrier", "hint": null, "type": "dropdown", "position": 2, "choices": [] }, { "id": "social_insurance_number_file", "label": "File", "hint": null, "type": "file", "position": 3 } ], "keep_history": true, "is_multiple": true }, { "id": "tax_identification_number_group", "label": "Tax identification number", "hint": null, "type": "composite", "editable_by": "employee", 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null, "type": "country", "position": 0 }, { "id": "driver_license_state", "label": "State", "hint": null, "type": "text", "position": 1 }, { "id": "driver_license_number", "label": "Number", "hint": null, "type": "text", "position": 2 }, { "id": "driver_license_class", "label": "Class", "hint": null, "type": "text", "position": 3 }, { "id": "driver_license_issue_date", "label": "Issue date", "hint": null, "type": "date", "position": 4, "date_format": "fullDate" }, { "id": "driver_license_expiration_date", "label": "Expiry date", "hint": null, "type": "date", "position": 5, "date_format": "fullDate" }, { "id": "driver_license_attachment", "label": "File", "hint": null, "type": "file", "position": 6 } ], "keep_history": false, "is_multiple": true }, { "id": "education_group", "label": "Education details", "hint": null, "type": "composite", "editable_by": "employee", "approvable_by": "admin", "viewable_by": "employee", "subfields": [ { "id": "education_start_date", "label": "Start date", "hint": null, "type": "date", "position": 0, "date_format": "monthYear" }, { "id": "education_end_date", "label": "End date", "hint": null, "type": "date", "position": 1, "date_format": "monthYear" }, { "id": "education_degree", "label": "Degree", "hint": null, "type": "text", "position": 2 }, { "id": "education_field_of_study", "label": "Field of study", "hint": null, "type": "text", "position": 3 }, { "id": "education_school", "label": "School", "hint": null, "type": "text", "position": 4 } ], "keep_history": false, "is_multiple": true }, { "id": "work_experience_group", "label": "Job details", "hint": null, "type": "composite", "editable_by": "employee", "approvable_by": "admin", "viewable_by": "employee", "subfields": [ { "id": "work_experience_start_date", "label": "Start date", "hint": null, "type": "date", "position": 0, "date_format": "monthYear" }, { "id": "work_experience_end_date", "label": "End date", "hint": null, "type": "date", "position": 1, "date_format": "monthYear" }, { "id": "work_experience_job_title", "label": "Job title", "hint": null, "type": "text", "position": 2 }, { "id": "work_experience_company", "label": "Company", "hint": null, "type": "text", "position": 3 }, { "id": "work_experience_summary", "label": "Summary", "hint": null, "type": "paragraph", "position": 4 }, { "id": "work_experience_present", "label": "Present", "hint": null, "type": "boolean", "position": 5 } ], "keep_history": false, "is_multiple": true }, { "id": "skills", "label": "Skill", "hint": null, "type": "text", "editable_by": "employee", "viewable_by": "employee", "keep_history": false, "is_multiple": true }, { "id": "language", "label": "Language", "hint": null, "type": "text", "editable_by": "employee", "viewable_by": "employee", "keep_history": false, "is_multiple": true }, { "id": "resume", "label": "File", "hint": null, "type": "file", "editable_by": "employee", "approvable_by": "admin", "viewable_by": "employee", "keep_history": false, "is_multiple": false }, { "id": "1195b", "label": "Custom contact field", "hint": null, "type": "composite", "editable_by": "admin", "approvable_by": "admin", "viewable_by": "employee", "subfields": [ { "id": "1195c", "label": "Custom contact field dropdown", "hint": "Hint for custom contact field dropdown", "type": "dropdown", "position": 0, "choices": [ { "id": "7f62", "employee_field_id": 70794, "label": "Custom choice 1", "position": 0 }, { "id": "7f63", "employee_field_id": 70794, "label": "Custom choice 2", "position": 1 }, { "id": "7f64", "employee_field_id": 70794, "label": "Custom choice 3", "position": 2 } ] }, { "id": "1195d", "label": "Custom contact field", "hint": "Hint for custom contact field", "type": "text", "position": 1 } ], "keep_history": false, "is_multiple": true }, { "id": "contact_group", "label": "Contact details", "hint": null, "type": "composite", "editable_by": "employee", "viewable_by": "employee", "subfields": [ { "id": "contact_name", "label": "Name", "hint": null, "type": "text", "position": 0 }, { "id": "contact_relationship", "label": "Relationship", "hint": null, "type": "dropdown", "position": 1, "choices": [ { "id": "contact_relationship_type_husband", "employee_field_id": 67070, "label": "Husband", "position": 0 }, { "id": "contact_relationship_type_wife", "employee_field_id": 67070, "label": "Wife", "position": 1 }, { "id": "contact_relationship_type_partner", "employee_field_id": 67070, "label": "Partner", "position": 2 }, { "id": "contact_relationship_type_mother", "employee_field_id": 67070, "label": "Mother", "position": 3 }, { "id": "contact_relationship_type_father", "employee_field_id": 67070, "label": "Father", "position": 4 }, { "id": "contact_relationship_type_brother", "employee_field_id": 67070, "label": "Brother", "position": 5 }, { "id": "contact_relationship_type_sister", "employee_field_id": 67070, "label": "Sister", "position": 6 }, { "id": "contact_relationship_type_son", "employee_field_id": 67070, "label": "Son", "position": 7 }, { "id": "contact_relationship_type_daughter", "employee_field_id": 67070, "label": "Daughter", "position": 8 }, { "id": "contact_relationship_type_friend", "employee_field_id": 67070, "label": "Friend", "position": 9 }, { "id": "contact_relationship_type_other", "employee_field_id": 67070, "label": "Other", "position": 10 } ] }, { "id": "contact_phone", "label": "Phone", "hint": null, "type": "phone", "position": 2 }, { "id": "contact_email", "label": "Email", "hint": null, "type": "email", "position": 3 }, { "id": "contact_country", "label": "Country", "hint": null, "type": "country", "position": 4 }, { "id": "contact_address", "label": "Address", "hint": null, "type": "location", "position": 5 } ], "keep_history": false, "is_multiple": true } ]

Each employee_field will have the following keys:

idstringThe id of the employee field. This is the identifier that should be used when creating/updating employee field values in the POST, PUT actions for employees. Custom fields will have ids as can be seen from the example above, while default fields have the semantic type as id.
labelstringThe label of the employee field that appears in the user interface
hintstringThe hint of the employee field that appears in the user interface
typestringThe field type of the employee field. Available values are boolean, composite, country, currency, date, email, file, image, location, numeric, payRate, paragraph, percentage, phone, text, timetable, directReports.
editable_bystringValue that defines the role access level for editing the employee field. Available values are employee, line_manager and admin, from the less to most strict access levels.
approvable_bystringValue that defines the role access level of the approvals workflow for performing changes in an employee field. Available values are none and admin.
viewable_bystringValue that defines the role access level for viewing the employee field. Available values are all,employee, line_manager and admin, from the less to most strict access levels. This relates with the information being available to the GET employee/:id endpoint
subfieldsarrayA subfield is explained below /employee_fields#subfield
keep_historybooleanValue that defines weather we track the historical evolution of this field or not. Example would be the salary of an employee, or the job position, etc.
is_multiplebooleanValue that defines weather we allow multiple entries for the specific employee field. Example would be the Contract Details as can be shown below in the full example.
choicesarrayA choice field is explained below /employee_fields#choice
date_formatstringIn case of date employee field type the available date format options are: full_date, month_year.


Composite is a special employee_field type structure used for capturing grouped information concerning an employee. An example composite field is the Social Security Number field that is comprised of three subfields:

{ "id": "social_security_number_group", "label": "Social security number", "hint": null, "type": "composite", "editable_by": "employee", "approvable_by": "admin", "viewable_by": "employee", "subfields": [ { "id": "social_security_number_number", "label": "Number", "hint": null, "type": "text", "position": 0 }, { "id": "social_security_number_issue_date", "label": "Issue date", "hint": null, "type": "date", "position": 1, "date_format": "fullDate" }, { "id": "social_security_number_file", "label": "File", "hint": null, "type": "file", "position": 2 } ], "keep_history": true, "is_multiple": false }


Subfields are essentially employee fields as part of a composite employee field type. Each subfield will have a subset of keys of an employee_field. Keys like approvable_by, viewable_by and editable_by are inherited by the parent employee_field. Subfields have the addition of the below key:

positionintegerPosition of the subfield in the composite field structure. Required for keeping the position of display inside the composite field structure.


Choices are options for dropdown employee field types. An example for a dropdown and multiselect employee field named status follows:

{ "id": "status", "label": "Status", "hint": null, "type": "dropdown", "editable_by": "admin", "approvable_by": "admin", "viewable_by": "employee", "choices": [ { "id": "status_active", "label": "Active", "position": 0, }, { "id": "status_draft", "label": "Draft", "position": 1, }, { "id": "status_inactive", "label": "Inactive", "position": 2, } ], "keep_history": true, "is_multiple": false }

Each option has the following keys:

idstringThe id of the option for a specific dropdown employee field
labelstringThe label of the dropdown of the employee field that appears in the user interface
positionintegerThe position of the option field in the dropdown menu

Custom fields

Below is the snippet for a custom field response:

{ "id": "1195b", "label": "Custom contact field", "hint": null, "type": "composite", "editable_by": "admin", "approvable_by": "admin", "viewable_by": "employee", "subfields": [ { "id": "1195c", "label": "Custom contact field dropdown", "hint": "Hint for custom contact field dropdown", "type": "dropdown", "position": 0, "choices": [ { "id": "7f62", "label": "Custom choice 1", "position": 0 }, { "id": "7f63", "label": "Custom choice 2", "position": 1 }, { "id": "7f64", "label": "Custom choice 3", "position": 2 } ] }, { "id": "1195d", "label": "Custom contact field", "hint": "Hint for custom contact field", "type": "text", "position": 1 } ], "keep_history": false, "is_multiple": true }

This is a multi-value (is_multiple is true) composite field with id 1195b and it is comprised of two different subfields, the one with id: 1195c and the one with id: 1195d.

The first subfield is a drop down field, with 3 different values available (7f62, 7f63, 7f64). The second subfield is a text type field. It is important to note these ids as they are used both for displaying the value configured for an employee and for creating programmatically values for these fields.

Path Params

The account subdomain

Query Params

Optional member id that can be derived from GET /members endpoint


Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here! Or choose an example: