
Returns a collection of your account members. Required scope: r_jobs. Accessible with account tokens and user tokens.


Calling the /members endpoint will return a collection of the defined members

Recruiting Role mapping:
admin - All Access
simple - Standard Access
reviewer - Limited Access / Reviewer
no_access - No Access in Recruiting

Employee Management Role mapping:

hris_admin - All Access
hris_employee - Standard Access
no_access - No Access in Employee Management


super_admin role is an implied role. You need to be both admin in Recruiting and hris_admin in Employee Management.

Each member will have the following keys:

idstringThe member identifier
namestringThe full name of the member
headlinestringThe headline of the member
emailstringThe email address of the member
rolestringThe member's role. Possible values are admin, simple, reviewerand no_access
hris_rolestringThe members's hris role. Possible values are hris_admin and hris_employee
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