API Reference


Returns a collection of your account departments. Required scope: r_account. Accessible with all token types.


This endpoint uses r_account scope which can be enabled through the Integrations section found within the Settings menu. This endpoint is only accessible for accounts that have enabled Employee Management features.


Calling the /departments endpoint will return a collection of the defined departments for the account. An example of the response follows:

        "id": "3ff4d641",
        "name": "Commercial",
        "parent_id": null
        "id": "3ff4d642",
        "name": "Customer Success",
        "parent_id": "3ff4d641"
        "id": "3ff4d643",
        "name": "Support",
        "parent_id": "3ff4d642"
        "id": "3ff4d644",
        "name": "Marketing",
        "parent_id": "3ff4d641"
        "id": "3ff4d645",
        "name": "Content",
        "parent_id": "3ff4d644"
        "id": "3ff4d646",
        "name": "Sales",
        "parent_id": "3ff4d641"
        "id": "3ff4d647",
        "name": "Account Executive",
        "parent_id": "3ff4d646"
        "id": "3ff4d648",
        "name": "Business Development",
        "parent_id": "3ff4d646"
        "id": "3ff4d649",
        "name": "Engineering",
        "parent_id": null
        "id": "3ff4d64a",
        "name": "Finance",
        "parent_id": null
        "id": "3ff4d64b",
        "name": "HR",
        "parent_id": null

Each department will have the following keys:

idstringThe department identifier. Note that this id should be used when creating or updating an employee using the POST and PATCH endpoints respectively.
namestringThe name of the department
parent_idstringThe department identifier of the parent department or null if it is a top level department
archivedbooleanIndicates weather the department has been archived or not
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!