API Reference


Returns the application form details for the specified job. Required scope: r_jobs. Accessible with all token types.

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Calling the /jobs/:shortcode/application_form endpoint returns a JSON object with two arrays, one with the application form fields and one array with the job's questions.

This endpoint might be handy if you wan't to build a dynamic application form that will conform with the rules defined in the "Application Form" tab of Job Editor.

form_fieldsarray of form fields
questionsarray of questions

Each question has the following keys:

idstringThe question's id
bodystringThe question's body
typestringThe question's type. Possible values are free_text, multiple_choice, boolean, dropdown, numeric, date, file
requiredbooleanSpecifies whether providing an answer for this question is required
single_answerbooleanDefined only if question's type is multiple_choice
choicesarrayDefined only if question's type is multiple_choice or dropdown. An array specifying the possible answers.
choices/idstringThe choice's id
choices/bodystringThe choice's text
supported_file_typesarrayDefined only if question type is file. An array specifying the accepted file types for this question.
max_file_sizeintegerDefined only if question type is file. The maximum file size in bytes.

Each form_field has the following keys:

keystringThe application form's field key. This key matches with the candidate attribute as well
labelstringThe fields name.
typestringThe fields type. Possible values are: string, free_text, file, boolean, date, complex
requiredbooleanIndicates if this field is mandatory
fieldsarrayDefined in fields of type complex
supported_file_typesarrayDefined in fields of type file
max_file_sizeintegerDefined in fields of type file
Path Params

The job's shortcode


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