get https://{subdomain}
Returns the questions for the specified job. Required scope: r_jobs
. Accessible with all token types.
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Calling the /jobs/:shortcode/questions
endpoint returns a JSON array of the job's questions.
key | description |
questions | array of questions |
Each question has the following keys:
key | type | description |
id | string | The question's id |
body | string | The question's body |
type | string | The question's type. Possible values are free_text , multiple_choice , boolean , dropdown , numeric , date , file |
required | boolean | Specifies whether providing an answer for this question is required |
single_answer | boolean | Defined only if question's type is multiple_choice |
choices | array | Defined only if question's type is multiple_choice or dropdown . An array specifying the possible answers. |
choices/id | string | The choice's id |
choices/body | string | The choice's text |
supported_file_types | array | Defined only if question type is file . An array specifying the accepted file types for this question. |
max_file_size | integer | Defined only if question type is file . The maximum file size in bytes. |