API Reference


Invites a member. Required scope: w_members. Accessible with all token types.

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Invites the member to Workable by sending them an email to the email address specified in the body of the request.

It is important to note that when inviting a new member using the parameter member_id (e.g. using account token), then that member must not be a reviewer or a member without access or else a 403 Forbidden error is expected.

It is also important to note that when inviting a new member, the following role combinations are not allowed and will result in a 422 Unprocessable Entity error:

  • Role no_access - if HRIS application is deactivated
  • Role no_access, HRIS role hris_no_access - if HRIS application is activated

Making requests to the POST /members/invite endpoint will invite the given member and return it. It will also send an email to invite the member to the email address specified in the request. An example of the response follows:

{ "id": "3ff4d641", "email": "john.doe@workable.com", "role": "simple", "hris_role": "hris_admin", "collaboration_rules": [] }

Each member will have the following keys:

idstringThe member identifier
emailstringThe email address of the member
rolestringThe member's role. Possible values are admin, simple, reviewerand no_access
hris_rolestringThe member's hris role. Possible values are hris_admin, hris_employee and hris_no_access
collaboration_rulesArrayAn array of the collaboration rules the member has. Each rule contains the role of the member in the collaboration, an array of departments and an array of locations that this collaborations is applicable for. More info here

If you try to create a member Workable API will response with 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden and 422 Unprocessable Entity as error codes when an error occurs. Such errors can be mistakes in the authentication, trying to create a member with an email that already exists, mandatory fields missing, or make more invitations that your subscription plan allows.

Path Params

The account subdomain

Body Params

The email of the new member


The member's role. Possible values are admin, simple, reviewerand no_access


Mandatory in case of using an account-wide access token. This identifier specifies the member who is sending this invitation


The member's HRIS role. Possible values are hris_admin, hris_employee and hris_no_access. Applicable if Workable HR is enabled

array of objects

The member's collaboration rules


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